Connecting to MATOMO



This Add-On connects your website to a Matomo service. Matomo is a free tool for tracking of web pages.



Add plug-in to concrete5

  • Download add-on “TDS Matomo embedding” from the concrete5 marketplace. As usual it's a ZIP archive file.
  • Unzip the downloaded ZIP archive file in your site's /packages directory.
  • Login to your site as administrator.
  • Go to Dashboard → Extend concrete5 →  Add Functionality.
  • Find this package “TDS Matomo embedding” in the list of packages awaiting installation.
  • Click the “Install“ button.


Connect website to a Matomo server

You'll find the Matomo embedding in Dashboard / Systems & Settings:


At SEO & Statistics threr is an entry for Matomo embedding.

Clicking at Matomo embedding a dialogue opens for Matomo data entry:


Here you enter the URL of the Matomo server as well as the site ID (you can get this data from the Matomo provider of your trust). Entering the server URL you must include the protocol type (http or https).

If you want to utilize internationalized domain names (IDN) you must have php_intl enabled in php.ini of your web server.

Click "Save" and the Matomo block is included in all web pages.

Test of Matomo embedding

It makes sense to test the Matomo connection only in conjunction with the Matomo server. If no results are displayed here after several visits to the website (and subsequent Matomo processing time, approx. 10 minutes), the URL and the website ID must be checked.

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